
Elie Douna All Posts

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entrepreneur mag profile

Announcing HomeBuildersReviews, Your Trusted Source for Quality Builders and Suppliers in Australia

May 31, 2024

We are exciting to announce our new app to assist home builders and developers

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SWAG Illawarra feeding homeless

SWAG Illawarra Website Launch

Apr 17, 2024

We have launched a new website for SWAG Illawarra.

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medium density housing

Why I Support the New South Wales Governments Housing Reforms

Mar 2, 2024

Tackling the Housing Crisis: A Developer's Perspective on New South Wales' Landmark Reforms.

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Illawarra Offshore Wind Farm

Why I'm Supporting the Illawarra Offshore Wind Project

Oct 16, 2023

It has been contentious, but after considering it i'm in full support of the new offshore wind project.

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entrepreneur mag profile

Profile in Entrepreneur Magazine

Oct 5, 2023

Charbel and I were recently profiled in Entrepreneur Magazine.

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property collapse

The Shaky Ground of Property Development: A Look at Recent Collapses

Aug 11, 2023

Property development industry is experience a bad time with many companies and projects in collapse.

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